Our Collective Worship policy has been devised using guidance from ‘Inclusive, Invitational, Inspiring’ a guidance document from The Church of England Education Office about Collective Worship in Church of England Schools. (May 2021)
Rationale and Aims
We aim for Collective Worship at St Cuthbert’s to be ‘Inclusive, Invitational and Inspiring. As a Church of England school, we are committed to offering high quality collective worship and we recognise and value collective worship as central to fostering a sense of community, as well as a way to further express our Christian vision. We view Collective Worship in our school as a vital part of the school day and as such the structure, planning, evaluation, participation and collaboration of worship have a high profile. Collective worship is a part of our school’s contribution to promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of every child. It is a time to celebrate the worth and value of every single person in the school community.
We see Collective Worship as the unique heartbeat of the school. It is a wider opportunity for pupils and adults to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God. Collective Worship in our schools, including prayer, reading and reflecting on the Bible, liturgy, sacrament and experience of the musical and other imaginative riches of Christianity provide a vital opportunity for all pupils to gain a rich experience and understanding of Christianity. Our approach to Collective Worship is to ensure that we meet the needs of all, wherever they may be on their journey of faith and belief.
- Year 5/6 at St Cuthbert’s collected for the Australian Bush Fires following their moving collective worship about this event.
- The collective worship committee at St Cuthbert’s made Eco Bricks. We nearly have enough for our friendship bench!
St Cuthbert’s Church of England School
Part of Upper Nidderdale Primary Federation