Glasshouses 01423 711440 / St Cuthberts 01423 711407

About Glasshouses

Welcome to Glasshouses Community Primary School. We are housed in a beautiful Victorian school house, overlooking the Nidderdale National Landscape (formerly known as an area of outstanding natural beauty), not far from Harrogate.

Glasshouses is a small school that has big ambitions for all of its pupils. We are passionate and determined to provide pupils with the knowledge and understanding they need to be happy, confident and successful.

Glasshouses was re- accredited as a Gold Rights Respecting school in July 2023. We are one of only 6 schools in the Yorkshire and Humber region, so are very proud of this achievement.

We are passionate at Glasshouses about nurturing children so that they flourish into caring, confident and resilient young people who have a love of learning.

Our CHAMPS values (see below) are at the heart of our school and underpin a culture that enables our children to know they are of immense worth.

  • Be able to CHOOSE the right way and take responsibility for our own actions
  • Be HONEST in everything we do and show compassion for others
  • Be able to develop our talents to ACHIEVE our very best in everything we do
  • Be respectful to everyone and show excellent MANNERS
  • Be courageous when faced with challenges and PERSEVERE when situations are difficult, and show courage when we are challenged
  • Be able to keep ourselves and others SAFE

As part of The Upper Nidderdale Primary Federation, we benefit from being part of an outward looking organisation and have opportunities to learn collaboratively and access specialist teaching beyond an individual school’s scope. Pupils come together frequently with peers from their own year group to access specialist teaching in subjects such as PE, music and PSHE.

We pride ourselves on our knowledge of our children. We work hard to know every child; to know their strengths, interests and next steps, so that learning is always challenging and exciting.

The staff and Governors are unwavering in their commitment to children’s learning within our federation. The excellent curriculum encourages children to develop their knowledge and learn more, through well sequenced programmes of learning – see our curriculum pages!

Our teachers and curriculum leaders, across the federation, meet at least once a week to drive, support and challenge each other to be the best they can be – to make a difference in the lives of the children.

We are proud of our school, and we hope you can see why.


If you would like to make an appointment to come and have a look around our fabulous school, please complete the box below and we will be in touch soon to make arrangements with you


Stakeholder Feedback

I just wanted to pass on a huge thank you to everyone involved in making the trip to Young Voices possible!

I’m sure it took a lot of organising across both schools, and also appreciate it meant a very late finish for the teachers too!

The children had an absolutely fantastic time, with some lovely memories made. Thank you.

January 2025

I just wanted to say thank you for the lovely text about our daughter that we got from Mrs Fearnley this morning. It was lovely to get positive feedback about her in the classroom. Made my day.

January 2025

I just wanted to say on behalf of my children, what a lovely surprise we found on our doorstep yesterday – It was such a lovely gesture from the Kindness and Wellbeing Team! They were over the moon with their little box, note and delicious biscuits!!

October 2024

I wanted to say thank you for helping to build my child’s confidence so much over the past few years.

She feels valued and seen at school, and now confidently shares her views, her achievements and even participated in an event with a big crowd this week (which she never would have done previously).

Thank you to all the staff, for all you do. We value you all so much.

November 2024

A thank you to Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Fearnley for their time this afternoon taking us through the SEMH hub and what they do, and how it helps the children in Glasshouses. It is a fantastic provision, and their hard work is so appreciated. Hopefully it will provide support that turns into lifelong tools and guidance for our children.


It is so wonderful to be sending our children to a school that supports not only their subject learning but also nurtures them as individuals in so many ways. Thank you.

July 2024

I’d like to say that I’ve been lucky enough to accompany the children on 2 outings and what a pleasure it has been. The children showed what Champs they were on both of these trips; firstly, on the Countryside Day trip, and secondly on the Science walk up to Guisecliffe Tarn for pond dipping and mini beast hunt. Their manners and enthusiasm to get stuck in was evident. Thanks everyone xx

June 2024

We live in Harewell Close and yesterday attended the May Day Celebrations on the Green. We would like to pass on our congratulations to all the children who took part. They danced and behaved really well and are a credit to the school.

 Thank you too, to the Teachers and Staff who no doubt worked hard on this and obviously gave up their own time on a Bank Holiday – it is much appreciated.

May 2024

Our daughter absolutely loves having the guinea pigs – brings so much joy to her, learning all about them. Also, the Road Safety talk with Lauren Doherty was an absolute hit. We were told all about it and what she’s learnt about the Green Cross Code. Thanks for helping to keep our children SAFE! X

April 2024

Following Cub Camp last week, one of the Cub Leaders spoke to Miss Thornber and commented on the ‘impeccable manners’ of the children from across the Federation. They were real CHAMPS and true ambassadors of the schools.

March 2024

What a fantastic nativity it was this morning! The children were all so brave and the performance was excellent. Their singing was confident and really beautiful.

I just wanted to write and say thank you; it was a really wonderful event.

December 2023

I have had nothing but amazing positive experiences with Glasshouses school since my child joined the federation. I love that she gets up on a morning and can’t wait to get to school; this in my mind says it all about this school and the teachers. The last few weeks on the lead up to Christmas has been a fabulous experience for my child & family – thank you very much to all involved. Oh, and one last thing, she loves her school dinners!

December 2023

We moved our two boys to Glasshouse in November 2021. We moved schools as we felt strongly that our children’s individual needs were not being meet and their confidence had taken a huge knock. It was as difficult decision to move schools, but we can honestly say, we have not looked back.

Within weeks, both boy’s confidence had grown, and they were coming home full of all the exciting things they had been learning. My eldest has dyslexia, and was assessed before we made the move. He has received all the help and support he needs, but without always being taken out the main classroom environment. We have regular meetings in school to discuss progress and the areas that still need to be worked on, together with the plans for the coming term. There is always a positive spin on everything he has achieved, and what needs to be done next. A good SEND team was incredibly important to us when we were looking into moving schools. Glasshouses have certainly got excellent policies and practices in place and carry out what’s needed.

Apart from the educational aspects of school, they also have a fantastic community spirit. A few other things the boys love about school are: the CHAMPS values (choices, honesty, achievement, manners, perseverance, safety). These are discussed at home daily and reinforced all the time in school. They’ve had some incredible school trips, swimming lessons, and celebration assemblies, where parents can come to watch every Friday. They also love Federation Fridays, where the 3 schools spend the day together taking part in fun activities.

They have loved being involved in the Rights Respecting Team, and the fact that all the children have a voice in school, and that it is heard. They have come up with some wonderful ideas for fund raising, and school have backed them.

There isn’t any bullying in school, and the children show respect for everyone.

We love that all the children are treated as individuals, but at the same time, are all treated the same.

We cannot recommend Nicola (Thornber) and her incredible team enough.

October 2023

Re the Pupil Friendly Behaviour Policy – I think the updated policy looks great, and I especially think that the idea of the children being able to choose the greeting they want/need from their teacher each day is an absolutely wonderful one  I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of this and can only imagine it will be positive. I just wanted to pass this on .

January 2025

We received a couple of donations to school as a result of the recent BBC Look North programme featuring our schools. When Mrs Lumley rang to thank one of the people, the lady said that she lived in Cornwall and had no connections with Nidderdale, but that she’d seen the programme and thought it was a fantastic thing that we were doing to support our families during the holidays, and also, our daily toast check ins. She said that if there had been the cost-of-living crisis when she had been bringing up her children, it would have been a lifeline. #nidderdalecommunitygiveback

September 2024

Please can you pass on our thanks to all the staff who attended the residential. Our son has had the most amazing time! Thank you for helping create such great memories!

Our child had a wonderful time at East Barnby; he was quite anxious before the trip but soon realised that he didn’t need to be. He’s really pleased he went and has made some fantastic memories. Thank you to the staff for taking such great care of the children and for posting photos onto the Facebook page – it’s been great to see what they’ve been getting up to.

July 2024

Something from my heart…A small village school, nestled in rolling hills. Nature and livestock rested and still. A caring community sharing in the joy of school life and bringing their gifts to help. There’s a warm invitation to gather and connect, activities crafted with creativity and care. Children with happy faces excited for the day ahead. Teachers wait to welcome with a smile. It’s a thing of story books. This is not just idyllic, but a reality. This is Glasshouses Primary. Thank you.

June 2024

A big thank you to all the staff who took an incident within school so seriously this week, when it could have easily been brushed off. The way it was handled has given my child the confidence to approach those in authority for help – this means a lot to us.

June 2024

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who donated to our sponsored walk – the boys have raised an incredible £414.50 for Young Minds.

It was a tough walk (21 miles) but they did absolutely brilliantly and really persevered!!

May 2024

We thoroughly enjoyed the Book Bistro event this morning. The Reading Ambassadors were really confident delivering their presentation and it was lovely hearing the children read. Thanks very much for inviting us into school.

March 2024

The provision of extra curricular clubs this term has been absolutely fantastic. My child has attended running club, pencil club, HTAFC inclusive sports club, Commando Joe and the Kanga sports club. He has loved every minute of each of the clubs and has been able to learn and excel in new areas and activities. Thank you to the teachers and parents who have made this possible.

March 2024

I wanted to say a big thank you to all the staff involved in the Young Voices Concert and well done to all the children who went. It was an amazing night and such a fantastic experience for not only the children but also for those in the audience. My son loved it and we thoroughly enjoyed watching every minute of the concert. It is great that our children have the opportunity to be part of it and it creates memories that will last a lifetime.

February 2024

We wanted to pass on our enormous thanks to you and everyone at Glasshouses (both staff and children) who have so warmly welcomed our son into the school. To see him arrive at school with a smile on his face is the best Christmas gift we could have hoped for.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas!

December 2023

I just wanted to email to say a massive thank you to all the staff that offered their time on Saturday afternoon. My two had a ball!  

Also, thank you to the staff who coordinated and supervised the choir at the late night shopping event. The kids sounded great and their faces said it all.  

I also need to thank Admin for sending out our PTA messages, texts and posters.  

It’s really heartwarming – we do have the best teachers and two of the best schools around here.

December 2023

We’re very proud to be a Beacon School for Barnardo’s Positive Identities service. 

Our staff have received gender and sexual identities training from Barnardo’s staff and our pupils have participated in workshops about equality and diversity.