Welcome to St Cuthbert’s Primary School. Our school is housed in a beautiful Victorian building in the heart of Pateley Bridge, situated within the Nidderdale National Landscape (formerly known as the Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty).
We are passionate at St Cuthbert’s about nurturing children so that they flourish into caring, confident and resilient young people who have a love of learning.
Our CHAMPS values (see below) are at the heart of our school and underpin a culture that enables our children to know they are of immense worth.
- Be able to CHOOSE the right way and take responsibility for our own actions
- Be HONEST in everything we do and show compassion for others
- Be able to develop our talents to ACHIEVE our very best in everything we do
- Be respectful to everyone and show excellent MANNERS
- Be courageous when faced with challenges and PERSEVERE when situations are difficult, and show courage when we are challenged
- Be able to keep ourselves and others SAFE
As part of The Upper Nidderdale Primary Federation, we benefit from being part of an outward looking organisation and have opportunities to learn collaboratively and access specialist teaching beyond an individual school’s scope. Pupils come together frequently with peers from their own year group to access specialist teaching in subjects such as PE, music and PSHE.
We pride ourselves on our knowledge of our children. We work hard to know every child; to know their strengths, interests and next steps, so that learning is always challenging and exciting.
The staff and Governors are unwavering in their commitment to children’s learning within our federation. The excellent curriculum encourages children to develop their knowledge and learn more, through well sequenced programmes of learning – see our curriculum pages!
Our teachers and curriculum leaders, across the federation, meet at least once a week to drive, support and challenge each other to be the best they can be – to make a difference in the lives of the children.
We are proud of our school, and we hope you can see why.
If you would like to make an appointment to come and have a look around our fabulous school, please complete the box below and we will be in touch soon to make arrangements with you.
Stakeholder Feedback
I just wanted to pass on a huge thank you to everyone involved in making the trip to Young Voices possible!
I’m sure it took a lot of organising across both schools, and also appreciate it meant a very late finish for the teachers too!
The children had an absolutely fantastic time, with some lovely memories made. Thank you
We received a couple of donations to school as a result of the recent BBC Look North programme featuring our schools. When Mrs Lumley rang to thank one of the people, the lady said that she lived in Cornwall and had no connections with Nidderdale, but that she’d seen the programme and thought it was a fantastic thing that we were doing to support our families during the holidays, and also, our daily toast check ins. She said that if there had been the cost-of-living crisis when she had been bringing up her children, it would have been a lifeline. #nidderdalecommunitygiveback
We were treated to a lovely tea of homemade Pizza last Saturday – thank you for teaching the children that home-made food does not have to be complicated.
- It was lovely to watch the children work out the different words. I was happy to help. Miss Newton is great.
It is great to be able to come into school and see how the children are learning.
It was lovely to sit with my child and see how he engages with his learning. All the children were very well behaved.
I simply have to say how fantastic and supportive everyone has been though our move to Pateley and settling my two into nursery and reception. They have gone from never wanting to go into school… to asking if they can still go on a weekend! Not only do they love it, but they have noticeably come on with reading and maths work too. They finally have more to tell me than what they had for lunch! We are thrilled they are with you and very grateful for all you do for them – their behaviour and happiness say it all. Thank you.
I simply have to say how fantastic and supportive everyone has been though our move to Pateley and settling my two into nursery and reception. They have gone from never wanting to go into school, to asking if they can still go on a weekend! Not only do they love it, but they have noticeably come on with their reading and maths work too. They finally have more to tell me than what they had for lunch! We are thrilled they are with you and very thankful for all you do for them ! Their behaviour and happiness says it all.
“I wanted to say thank both Mrs Pennock and Mrs Fearnley. They show so much kindness and compassion. My son really trusts Mrs Pennock – she has such a positive and kind attitude with constant small words of encouragement, whilst also taking the time to listen. I know it’s so hard in a school but Mrs Pennock “looks after me and is kind” his words.
My second positive:
It’s amazing school that has Commando Joe in school! I feel so lucky as a parent that school gives my child different learning opportunities and sees how other things are just as important as traditional lessons.”
I just wanted to email to say a massive thank you to all the staff that offered their time on Saturday afternoon. My two had a ball!
Also, thank you to the staff who coordinated and supervised the choir at the late night shopping event. The kids sounded great and their faces said it all.
I also need to thank Admin for sending out our PTA messages, texts and posters.
It’s really heartwarming – we do have the best teachers and two of the best schools around here.
I want to thank everyone at the school for making our daughter so welcome. We have been really impressed with the quality of the teaching, pastoral care and how well the school is run.
I just wanted to put on record that the support that you and your team have given my grandson has had such a positive impact; it’s something that will underpin his self-esteem and his development throughout his life.
St Cuthbert’s is a great school, happy and enthusiastic with an exceptional desire to encourage the children in a variety of different ways. You (Miss Thornber) and your teachers will always have my respect and gratitude for the work that you put in, not just for my grandson, but for all of the other children too.
I just wanted to take the time to thank you and the teaching staff for doing an amazing job with our son. He has gone into year 5 a confident, happy child and this, I understand, is really starting to show through in his work. It was so lovely to hear how well he is doing academically, in particular, how much he has improved with his maths. He has always found maths hard, however, if time is taken to lay the foundations,, then he will eventually grasp a concept. Once he has the concept and the tools to carry out a task, he can really begin to progress and I can see that this is really the case for him, so please pass on my thanks to Mrs Thomas, Miss Sheldon and especially Miss Pennock for supporting him and allowing him to flourish.
As we both know, there has been the odd bump in the road however I am so grateful that you have always taken the time to listen to myself and our son, and taken on board our side of view. You actively take on board feedback and carry through with the ideas we discuss. In particular, it was great that you took the time to educate the children on neurodiversity and involve our son’s Grandpa. My father has been stopped by so many parents recently and praised on his talk. People can either identify with him, or have told him that it has opened up fantastic discussions with their kids around the dinner table, so I feel we are achieving what we set out to do.
I was very impressed by the measures taken to safeguard the children and become familiar with the student’s key people. My child has a one-page profile to ensure a secure collection including photos of any adults that may collect, the relationship to her, and a password. Including her picture at the top made the profile more personalised and friendly. I was also impressed to hear that children start walking home without an adult in year 6. Having moved from a city that introduced free walking in year 5, St Cuthbert’s prioritised safety and maturity levels in their decisions. Living in a smaller community has not impacted the seriousness of safeguarding the children.
Please can you pass on our thanks to all the staff who attended the residential. Our son has had the most amazing time! Thank you for helping create such great memories!
Our child had a wonderful time at East Barnby; he was quite anxious before the trip but soon realised that he didn’t need to be. He’s really pleased he went and has made some fantastic memories. Thank you to the staff for taking such great care of the children and for posting photos onto the Facebook page – it’s been great to see what they’ve been getting up to.
The provision of extra-curricular clubs this term has been absolutely fantastic. My child has attended running club, pencil club, HTAFC inclusive sports club, Commando Joe and the Kanga sports club. He has loved every minute of each of the clubs and has been able to learn and excel in new areas and activities. Thank you to the teachers and parents who have made this possible.
Following Cub Camp last week, one of the Cub Leaders spoke to Miss Thornber and commented on the ‘impeccable manners’ of the children from across the Federation. They were real CHAMPS and true ambassadors of the schools.
It’s amazing that St Cuthbert’s has Commando Joes in school! I feel so lucky as a parent that school gives my child different learning opportunities and sees how other things are just as important as traditional lessons. Thank you.
I wanted to say a big thank you to all the staff involved in the Young Voices Concert and well done to all the children who went. It was an amazing night and such a fantastic experience for not only the children but also for those in the audience. My son loved it and we thoroughly enjoyed watching every minute of the concert. It is great that our children have the opportunity to be part of it and it creates memories that will last a lifetime.
A fantastic ‘well done’ to the house captains at assembly today. Even though there were only 4 of them, they did amazingly! Their confidence has grown over the past few weeks. Well done to you all!
We would like to thank you all for enriching not just our boy’s lives but our own as well – we thoroughly enjoy spending time with you all and seeing how passionate you all are at what you do.
Thank you for being so loving with our boys, for being inclusive and allowing them involvement in so much educational fun. They were happy before, but they are even happier now.
You are a very special school, and we wish you the merriest of Christmas’ and a happy new year.
This is a message for everyone who plays a part in “turning the cogs” at St Cuthbert’s School.
We would like to thank you all for enriching not just our boy’s lives but our own as well, we thoroughly enjoy spending time with you all and seeing how passionate you all are at what you do.
Thank you for being so loving with our boys, for being inclusive and allowing them involvement in so much educational fun. They were happy before, but they are even happier now.
You are a very special school.
I just wanted to drop the school a message to say a big thank you.
Yesterday’s breakfast in school was lovely, especially as a new parent to school, it is something that is very much appreciated. I got to speak to a few other parents and felt part of the school community.
It was lovely to see our son with new friends, it really made my day. We still have ups and downs but he is generally settling, which we are so proud of him for; school has made this easier. The school goes above and beyond; we have never had anything like this at our other schools; it doesn’t go unnoticed.
Thank you to all the staff – you are superstars!
After a period of quite dramatic change and also the challenges of Covid to contend with, St Cuthbert’s has become a really positive and happy environment for our children. The school has made a huge effort to increase the number of after school activities and school trips/external speakers, allowing the children a wide depth and breadth of experiences. It is so lovely to watch the children help each other and support each other throughout the school. The children always look smart, and their behaviour is exemplary. The head and supporting staff have worked incredibly hard at changing the school for the better, well done!