Glasshouses 01423 711440 / St Cuthberts 01423 711407

Collective Worship (St Cuthbert’s CE Primary School)

Collective worship at our school reflects the broad traditions of Christian belief. We are a church school and our Collective Worship is Christian in nature and based on our Christian values as in our school vision. In these special times of worship we explore the Christian Values of responsibility, compassion, wisdom, respect, courage and koinonia, using Bible stories to guide us. This also extends beyond Collective Worship and into our classrooms and the dinner hall where children are given a time for reflection each day.

We have our local Vicars ‘-Reverend Mike and Father Darryl who help us in the delivery of our Collective Worship each week.

Each half term we have a different Christian value and CHAMPS vision to think about in Collective Worship. On a Friday we have ‘Celebration Worship’ when we mark achievements the children have made during the week. We have a collective Worship Committee which allows children to share their views about collective worship. We also meet together in order to plan a worship for them to deliver to the rest of the school. On special occasions we go to church to mark festivals and times of celebration. the children are often involved in helping to lead the services by reading prayers, bible stories and singing. The whole school community is always very welcome to join us in church to mark these special times.

Whilst we value faith and worship, however, we also recognise that not everyone shares the same beliefs. we consider that diversity amongst staff, pupils, governors and parents, to be a blessing. It enriches our life together as a community (Koinonia). Any act of worship is therefore always invitational and offers opportunity for those involved to grow spiritually.

Our School Prayer

Let our school be a place where we love learning,

A place where we CHOOSE the right thing and are HONEST,

A place where we work hard and ACHIEVE our best,

A place where we show MANNERS and COMPASSION to everyone,

A place where we PERSEVERE and have COURAGE,

A place where we all work together to be CHAMPS.


St Cuthbert’s Church of England School

Part of Upper Nidderdale Primary Federation